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The Healthy and Humane Observer is a community newspaper that reflects the news, opinions and current events throughout the greater area of Cleveland, Ohio. The print edition debuted March 2013. It is based on what many consider the gold-standard and pioneer in civic journalism, the eight-year-old Lakewood Observer in Lakewood, Ohio.

The Healthy and Humane Observer is a grassroots, community-written newspaper that publishes a free, printed edition.

  • Is supported by advertising revenue and provides an affordable place for local businesses to advertise.
  • We offer a rich online experience, including a web edition of the paper, discussion forums, and a community of websites by neighborhood businesses and interest groups.
  • We build community by exponentially increasing the number and ability of connections among residents and the institutions and businesses that serve them.
  • We contribute to economic development by providing entrepreneurs a venue to explorenew business ideas with their neighbors.